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A Province-by-Province Guide to Vaccine Passports in Canada

As the Delta variant continues to fuel a fourth wave of COVID-19 in Canada, some provincial and territorial governments have begun to require residents over a certain age to provide proof of vaccination (dubbed vaccine passports) for access to non-essential events and businesses. Those who are not vaccinated will not be permitted to go to gyms, restaurants, movie theatres, and more.Canadas vaccination rate has been levelling off across the countrycurrently, about 65 percent of the population is fully vaccinatedleading to an uptick in COVID cases, especially among the unvaccinated population. The hope is that vaccine passports will encourage unvaccinated Canadians to get immunized. In Quebec, the first province to announce a vaccine passport plan, the number of COVID-19 vaccine bookings doubled after the system was announced.Here is everything you need to know about vaccine passports in Canada, including which provinces and territories have announced their plans. This piece will be updated as more vaccine passport systems are rolled out.(Related: Experts Advise Being Super Safe As Canada Enters the 4th Wave of COVID)


The federal government announced its working on a secure, national proof of vaccination for international travel, though how it will work has yet to be announced. Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc stated the passport will be ready to go early this fall, but no specific date has been announced.

British Columbia

Starting September 13, proof of vaccination will be required for residents aged 12 and up accessing social events like ticketed sporting events, indoor concerts, indoor theatre/dance/symphony events, and indoor organized events like conferences and weddings. Proof of vaccination will also be required when visiting non-essential businesses like patio and indoor dining at restaurants, fitness centres, casinos, night clubs, and movie theatres. Just one dose is required for entry until October 24th, when the province will require proof of being fully vaccinated.A secure weblink will be provided by the B.C. government before September 13, in which people will be able to access their proof of vaccination and save it to their phones to show businesses upon entry. For those without access to the internet, there will be a call-in centre that can provide proof as well (the details of which have yet to be announced).Under the new policy, any out-of-province Canadian visiting B.C. will have to show proof of vaccination and valid government ID from their home province to access non-essential businesses and activities.


Manitoba launched its vaccine card in June, which allowed fully immunized Manitobans to skip the mandatory quarantine after international travel. Now, as of September 3, fully immunized individuals will have to show their vaccine card to enter indoor and outdoor ticketed sporting events and concerts, indoor theatre/dance/symphony events, restaurants (both indoor and outdoor dining), nightclubs, casinos and bingo halls, movie theatres, fitness centres and organized indoor group recreational classes and businesses. Children under the age of 11 who are not eligible to be immunized can enter these spaces with a fully immunized adult.Residents can visit this website to request a free vaccine card, and if eligible, they should receive a digital QR code instantly. A hard copy of the card will be sent to residents in the mail.(Related: What You Need to Know About COVID Variants in Canada)


As of September 22, Ontario will require residents aged 12 and older (excluding those with medical exemptions) to show proof of their COVID-19 vaccination and a piece of government-issued photo ID to access gyms, restaurants, bars, movie theatres, event spaces, and concert halls. Proof of vaccination will not be required for access to banks, retail shopping, salons and barbershops, places of worship, essential services, workplaces, and outdoor spaces like patios. Vaccine receipts are currently available at the provincial portal, and residents with red-and-white health cards can call the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line (1-833-943-3900) for their vaccine receipt.Starting October 22, Ontario residents will be required to use a QR code for proof of vaccination, which businesses will scan using an app currently in development.


On September 1, Quebec became the first Canadian province to require residents aged 13 or older (who aren’t granted an exemption for a medical reason) to show proof of vaccination to access non-essential businesses and events. These spaces include gyms, restaurants, bars, events, movie theaters, casinos, and more. Proof of vaccination can be downloaded by the provincial portal (or requested over the phone at 1-877-644-4545) and uploaded to the VaxiCode smartphone app, in a PDF on your phone, or on paper. By September 15, violators of the health order could be fined. Visitors of Qubec are required to show photo ID and proof of full vaccination by their country or province.

Prince Edward Island

PEI has the PEI Pass, which is only for people travelling to the province from outside of PEI. The Pass allows both visitors and returning Islanders who have had one or both vaccine doses to forgo self-isolating after arriving in the province. For those arriving in PEI from the other Atlantic provinces and the Magdalen Islands need just one dose at least 21 days prior to arrival to receive the PEI Pass. Those arriving from outside the Atlantic provinces and the Magdalen Islands need to have both doses. Children under the age of 12 must travel with at least one parent/guardian with a PEI pass.Next: Post-Pandemic Emotional RecoveryHow Are You Doing?

The post A Province-by-Province Guide to Vaccine Passports in Canada appeared first on Best Health Magazine Canada.

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